A great start to the new year. Client Naseem Bhorat of Westville had 10 Hi Temp Sunseeker PRO140 double density pool heating solar #panels installed today www.poolheat.co.za National Sales hotline 0769693807 #heatpump #solar #poolheating
Jannie Wentzel, had 4 #hitemp #poolheating #solar #panels added onto existing pool heating system. More panels = Hotter pool = more fun! www.poolheat.co.za Call 0860448367 for a free quote
Kerry Gunning, of Umhloti had her pool solar heated today using Hi Temp Sunseeker #poolheating panels. Isn’t it about time you have your pool heated? Call 0860448367 for a free quote or visit www.poolheat.co.za
Sarah Wilson, of Plantations Hillcrest had 3 #hitemp #sunseeker PRO 140 #poolheating #solar panels installed www.poolheat.co.za Call 0860448367 for a free quote on solar or #heatpump